Environmental Policy

At GESUGA we’ve done important work when it comes to protecting our environment, guaranteeing public health and food chain safety as a solution to the environmental challenge of disposing of animal carcasses by burying them in Galicia. In its firm commitment to environmental protection, GESUGA has implemented an Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 international standard.

The management system is evidence of the company’s commitment to improving its environmental performance: setting objectives and goals for minimizing pollution that our work may generate by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, systematically and periodically evaluating the Environmental Management System, establishing objectives to progressively reduce emissions through the application of the best techniques available.

Before opening its doors, the competent authorities granted GESUGA an Integrated Environmental Authorization (AAI). This administrative process establishes the necessary environmental conditions to perform the activities and operate the facilities included in Annex I of Law 16/2002 of July 1 on Comprehensive Pollution Prevention and Management, and the authorization includes all environmental and other aspects evaluated pursuant with state and autonomous community law.

Energy Policy

Well aware of the crucial role energy efficiency plays, GESUGA has opted to implement a company-wide energy management system as evidence of its commitment to the continuous improvement of energy performance by improving the management of energy consumption, promoting the efficient use of energy and energy savings through the use of the best available techniques, improving energy consumption habits by implicating employees, as well as all those outside the company who use our facilities, in energy savings, and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.


Product Sustainability

GESUGA has incorporated the ISCC certification for Category 1 waste animal fats from processing. ISCC is the first international system that creates mandatory parameters for sustainable production and processing according to the European Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC), certifying that our product complies with established standards and contributes to reducing greenhouse gases.

GESUGA has the Certificate of Conformity No. IT20 / SBB99, complying with the Italian National System (NIS) of Certification of Sustainability of Biofuels and Bioliquids, established by the Italian Decree of November 14, 2019

Contributing to the production of renewable energy

In 2023, in the parking area, at the Cerceda headquarters, was installed  2 electric chargers for servicing the electric vehicle park.

In 2018, at the Cerceda headquarters, a total of 753 photovoltaic modules were installed for an annual energy production of 244,976.68 kWh.


In 2022, the photovoltaic installation for industrial self-consumption was expanded with a total of 624 modules of 199.68 kWp. Thanks to this installation of solar panels, GESUGA generates an annual energy production of 268,142 kWh, which will mean an annual saving of 16.3% and will prevent the emission into the atmosphere of 1,270.6 tons of CO2 per year. The equivalent in trees planted for this project is 5.091.






Use of a category 1 by-product through the co-incineration of category 1 meat meals, with the sole objective of using the meals as fuel for energy, obtained in the process, to introduce the syngas obtained by gasification into the current THERMOXIDERS of the flours, through which the heat in the recovery boilers installed is used to generate the steam required by the current category 1 and 2 transformation plants.

With this installation, a reduction of 6,000 tons of CO2 per year is expected.

Access to the project description

Information on Environmental Performance

GESUGA has strengthened its commitment to the environment with the implementation of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard in which it has analyzed the environmental impact of its activity and, based on the Life Cycle of the services provided, has determined its Significant Environmental Aspects for which it has established internal goals based on reducing consumption, derived from natural resources, reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, etc. From this commitment, GESUGA wants to involve all interested parties so that they know the work that is being carried out internally. Those aspects of the company with the greatest significance in terms of environmental impact due to its toxicity or its consumption during the development of the company’s activity for the previous period are the generation of waste, as well as the consumption of electricity, heat and that derived from transport. . GESUGA has currently established objectives in order to improve its environmental performance.